Terms and conditions

Please note that there are statutory terms for the use of any data found on, or downloaded from, www.foroyakort.fo.
The intellectual property of the free maps and data belongs to the Faroese Environment Agency, Umhvørvisstovan. However, the data is free for anyone to use, and by doing so, you agree to the following terms and conditions.


The Faroese Environment Agency, Umhvørvisstovan, grants a worldwide right to use the data, among other things for:

  • copying, distributing and publishing
  • modifying and combining with othe data
  • commercial and non-commercial use


The data must not be used in a way that may appear to authorize, endorse, recommend or promote the user, the user's products or the user's services.
It must be ensured that the use of the data is in accordance with Faroese law and source reference practice.

Source references

The Faroese Environment Agency, Umhvørvisstovan, enforces its copyright. When using the data, the user must:

  1. at a location appropriate for the distribution medium, state the following:
    1. "Data from the Faroese Environment Agency, Umhvørvisstovan:"
    2. The names of the datasets, i.e. myndakort 2009
    3. When the datasets were downloaded, and/or whether webservices are used

      Data from the Faroese Environment Agency, Umhvørvisstovan:
      Bygningar, June 2019
      Myndakort 2009, June 2019
      Matrikulkort, webservice

  2. ensure that "The Faroese Environment Agency, Umhvørvisstovan" appears on the front page of the service, if other sources are also mentioned on the front page
  3. provide an available copy of these terms for third parties, perhaps in the form of a link to this page

The above mentioned terms also apply if the user passes on data from the Faroese Environment Agency, Umhvørvisstovan, to third parties.


If screenshots from kort.foroyakort.fo or kortal.fo are used, they should be referenced as follows:

©Umhvørvisstovan: kort.foroyakort.fo

Rights and responsibility of the Faroese Environment Agency, Umhvørvisstovan

Data is made available as is, the Faroese Environment Agency, Umhvørvisstovan, has no responsibility for any content, origin, error or omission or any damage that may result from the use of the data. The Faroese Environment Agency, Umhvørvisstovan, does not guarantee the continued provision of data.
The Faroese Environment Agency, Umhvørvisstovan, reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time.

The Faroese Environment Agency, Umhvørvisstovan
June 2019

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Kortið er einans vegleiðandi. Umhvørvisstovan hevur onga ábyrgd av møguligum villum. Sí annars brúksrætt og treytir her.

Er talan um matrikulkort, ið skal nýtast til vinnuligt endamál, verður tú biðin um at venda tær til matrikuldeildina á Umhvørvisstovuni og biðja um møgulig málibløð.

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